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Beach Parking Summer



The purchase of a parking permit is required for on-campus parking on a space-available basis. If you prefer not to park on campus, you may use the beach without the purchase of a parking permit.

No drop-offs or pick-ups will be permitted inside the gate.

Two (2) types of parking permits are available:
 Season permit (Saturday, June 23, 2018 to Labor Day, September 3, 2018): $250.00
 Ten-day parking permit: $100.00

If you wish to purchase a parking permit, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page and return it with a
self-addressed, stamped envelope and a check or money order made payable to:

KCC Auxiliary Enterprises Corporation
c/o Office of the Business Manager
Kingsborough Community College
2001 Oriental Boulevard
Brooklyn, New York 11235-2398
Mail Code:  BM

If you would like to purchase your permit in person or if additional permits are desired during the summer season, please go to the Office of the Bursar, A205 during the hours of 9 A.M. to 4:45 P.M., Monday through Thursday. You must bring your beach pass with you.

All parking permits are non-refundable.


Name: ____________________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________


Daytime Phone No.:________________________   Vehicle Plate #:_______________________

______ Season permit (June 23, 2018 to Labor Day, September 3, 2018) : $250.00

______ Ten-day parking permit: $100.00

Enclosed is my    check     money order in the amount of $______________________________

Please make the check or money order payable to: 

KCC Auxiliary Enterprises Corporation